Friday 7 December 2012

Australis Paparazzi Perfect High Definition Blush review

Hey everyone!

I've still been testing all the products i ordered and this time I thought I might do a review on the Australis Paparazzi Perfect High Definition Blush. I heard some really good reviews on this particular blush so I thought I'd test it out myself. 

Australis says:
"Perfectly blended, multicoloured blush allows you to customise and create the exact shade you are desperate for! Formulated with light reflecting and balancing photochromatic pigments so that you look just as hot in photos as you do in the mirror! The pore-invisible technology blurs pores, fine lines and other imperfections leaving a perfectly flawless and glowing finish. Enriched with jojoba and grape seed oil to lock in skin moisture". 

I'm wasn't disappointed. 

I bought it in the colour Screen Siren which is a very pretty coral-pink colour that looks good with my skin tone. I'm quite pale and I recommend it for all pasties out there! It makes your skin glow and give you a bit of colour without looking overdone with bright pink circles on your face. It also comes in the colours Flash It, Shoot to Thrill and Poser.  

This blush is very pigmented - more than expected actually - and stays on my skin all day, providing its not a 35 degree Celsius day (but then I wouldn't even bother wearing any makeup!). 

But watch out! You only need to swirl the brush in lightly and tap any excess off before applying it otherwise you might be the one with two pink circles on your face! 

This is a very good blush for anyone, but especially people on a budget, and should be more expensive for the quality you're getting! You can purchase it from anywhere really. I bought mine from Priceline. I'll definitely be repurchasing. 

Talk to you later! :)

Krystal xx

Australis Paparazzi Perfect HD Blush in Screen Siren

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Face of Australia Mechanical Eyeliner in Gold - Review

Hey everyone!

So a few weeks ago my box of goodies came and in there was my gold Face of Australia Mechanical Eyeliner.

At first glance I thought it was alright - the packaging was simple and nothing fancy, but then again I wasn't expecting anything more. However, the VERY FIRST TIME I opened it, the eyeliner came flying out of the plastic and landed on the floor! So I had the eyeliner part of it in one hand and the plastic packaging in the other. Was very dissapointed with how poorly made it was. After temporarily succeeding in putting it back in, I tested out the colour. Now, I chose gold because I'm trying my hand at Old Hollywood Glamour (:D) but after swatching this product I found that it was less of a gold and more of a pale, mustardy yellow, and you needed 5 or 6 swipes for it to actually do anything worthwhile. I ended up using it as an inner-corner highlight until the 4th day I had it and the eyeliner stick snapped in half! I threw it out after that - wasn't worth the hassle.
I tried to like this product even after its dissapointing first impression but to no avail.

The moral of the story?? You get what you pay for. There are much better eyeliner products out there.

Did anyone else have similar problems?? Let me know your opinion of it.

Until next time :)
Krystal xx 

Monday 8 October 2012


Hello again everyone!

Okay, I know this is completely off topic and non-beauty related... BUT... I want to share with you my only loves in this world and how they combined to make my beautiful one-and-only. Those who know me well know that I adore and cherish chocolate and would give my life over to coffee. So... Guess what my reaction was when I had my very first mocha yesterday???


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *licks lips*

:) Krystal xx

P.S. Anxiously waiting for my parcels full of heaven to get here....

Thursday 4 October 2012

CopyKat: Rose Byrne's New 'Do

So who else is loving Rose Byrne's new funky bob?? I adore it! I think it's such a cool statement hairstyle that although bobs' are 'in' right now, LOTTTTSSSSS of people are going to be copying it :)

Rose Byrne
I wish I could get away with something like that... I had a bob once and got it horribly wrong and it was waaayyyyy too short! *shudders*

CopyKat: Celebrity stylist Harry Josh (creator of this awesome look) says that first you should apply a heat protectant, then blow dry with a round brush. Then you should straighten your hair in small sections only. Make sure not to straighten your roots otherwise there won't be any volume left. Finish by smoothing down all those pesky flaways :) WOLAH! (I dont think thats how you even spell it but whatever :P ) Have fuuun!


Krystal xxx

P.S. Just to state the obvious, it'll probs work better if you actually have a bob :D ....Just sayin'.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Money, money, money

Hey everyone!

So guess what?? I went on an online shopping spree yesterday and spent a heap of money that I worked my butt off for all last week. (Ssshhhhh... Don't tell the parentals :P ) I might have to ask for more shifts after school to make up for it if I want that car.... ANYWAYS, after much screaming from my bank account, I did it :)  (You might be able to guess that I haven't been much of a big spender in the past) As soon as it comes in the mail (which I absolutly LOVE! Does anybody else get that tingly, happy feeling when you get a parcel in the mail with your name on it?? I do. All. The. Time.) I'll do some reviews :D Excitement! I'll have to wait to get back home though before I get it.  

I also bought Makeup Manual by Bobbi Brown to flip through :) Don't you just love the cover?? All pink and dusty and preetty?? I can add it to my makeup book collection (which only consists of Forever Flawless by Napoleon Perdis... :/). 

Bobbi Brown: Makeup Manual

Well until next time :) Laters,

Krystal xx

(P.S. In case anyone's curious, I bought the book off (It's cheaper then other places :D )

Sunday 30 September 2012


Hi everyone!

I'm Krystal:) Somewhere along the way after watching gazillions of YouTube makeup videos and reading uncountable amounts of beauty blogs, I've picked up a love of makeup and anything health related :) 

These are 10 things i am obsessed with (for now anyways):
1. Beaches
2. Boho
3. Chocolate (come on! Who doesn't??)
4. Makeup
5. Fashion
6. Decorating
7. DIY
8. Stews, casseroles and soups.....Mmmmmmmm YUM!..... *licks lips*
9. Music 
10. FAMILY! (Sorry, had to add it :D )

Tell me: What are 10 things you're obsessed with??

Krystal xxx